We specialize in generating high quality Life Insurance web leads by using only the best traffic sources, so you can rest assured that you will turn these into customers. We are experts in PPC marketing and DO NOT use other traffic sources, which usually result in poor lead quality and you ending up wasting your time calling fake numbers.
Leadergy is one of the fastest growing finance and insurance lead generation companies in the UK. We deliver web-generated leads that convert and constantly strive to improve our leads contact and conversion rates.
All leads are generated by our own top converting websites using nothing but Pay Per Click (PPC) search only (i.e Google AdWords, Bing Ads). We DO NOT use banner ads, Facebook or call centers.
In our 10+ years of experience we have studied, which traffic sources work best for our partners and have eliminated the ones causing fake or not interested applicants. We are all above productivity and efficiency, so we don’t want you wasting your time and money on low-quality leads.
Given the gazillions of Paid Search companies out there offering PPC management services, it’s more important than ever to know the company you’re working with is on top of its game. So, don’t be shy to ask to see the results we’ve generated, or even speak to some of our clients. We’d be more than happy to put you in touch.
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